
Country Series - An Overview of the Microfinance Sector in Peru

“Microfinance in … “ is especially targeted to donors, investors and sector players. The reports aims to provide quick, concise, and valuable information of the state of the microfinance sector in a specific country.

This issue on Microfinance in Peru analyzes the macroeconomic outlook of Peru and highlights some of its key microfinance institutions.


Social issues in the workplace, 9: Training in Organizations

Training in Organizations

The ninth article in our Series, "Social Issues at the Workplace - Training in Organizations” presents tools to help institutions understand the importance of offering training. In a dynamic and complex world, training promotes active and well rounded employees that can help and empower clients and the organization.


Social issues in the workplace, 8: Motivation and Incentives in the Organization

Motivation and Incentives in the Organization

The eighth article in the "Social Issues at the Workplace" series presents tools to understand the importance of institutions considering employees’ motivation and developing an appropriate incentive scheme. To provide services to clients in a responsible and respectful manner, the institution must focus on building a work environment that makes employees feel appreciated and protects their rights.


Social issues in the workplace, 7: Responsible Recruitment, Selection and the Induction Process

Responsible Recruitment, Selection and the Induction Process

The seventh article in the "Social Issues at the Workplace" series identifies tools used to understand the importance of carrying out the process responsibly, bearing in mind that each choice starts from a need and must correspond with the MFI’s values and social mission.

Social issues in the workplace, 6: Dinámica de la Entrevista

Interview Dynamics

The sixth article in the "Social Issues at the Workplace" series presents different tools to understand the importance of the cultural context in which an MFI operates, utilizing the client interview to assess its impact and to recognize client needs. It also serves as an important tool for gauging client perception of products and services, all using social performance as a guide.

Social issues in the workplace, 5: Comunicación Organizacional

Comunicación Organizacional

The fifth article "Organizational Communication" in this series presents helpful tools to understand the importance of communication. These can be applied to overcome any obstacles that might exist in the organization’s dynamic and improve their social performance.

Social issues in the workplace, 4: Adicciones en el ámbito laboral

Addictions in the Workplace

The fourth article "Addictions in the Workplace" in this series identifies behaviors linked to addictions and provides a helpful guide on how to conduct a prevention campaign.

Social issues in the workplace, 3: Liderazgo y Trabajo en Equipo

Leadership and Teamwork

The third article "Leadership and Teamwork" in the series "Social issues in the workplace" analyses human relations in organizations and how leadership roles should be developed in order to enhance employees’ productivity and performance.

Social issues in the workplace, 2: Work-life balance: Equilibrio entre la vida y el trabajo

Work-Life Balance

The second article "Work-Life Balance" in the series "Social issues in the workplace" helps provide accurate tools to improve the performance, productivity and potentiate personal and professional development of employees.

Social issues in the workplace, 1: El desafio laboral y personal en momento de crisis

The personal and work challenge at critical moments

This first artilcle in a the series on social issues at the work place deals with the uncertain times resulting from a pandemic.

Psychologist and committee for social responsibility and environment collaborator Leandro Santori, shares his opinion on how to manage this crisis.

How to Improve Financial Sustainability, volume 1: Introduction to Financial Sustainability Ratings

Tools for improving Financial Sustainability

The first issue of the new series of articles on how an MFI can improve its financial sustainability, written by our analyst George Madzokere.

These articles will provide a summary of how to enhance an institution’s practices in terms of balancing financial and social performance, such that operations remain viable in the medium to long-term.

How to improve your SPIR, Vol. XV - What do we understand by aggressive sales?

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

The article delves into the concept of aggressive sales. This notion is not only understood as physical and verbal violence, but rather as a wider concept that includes behaviour in which the place, the client’s wishes, their space and their time is not respected. In turn, the practice may result from gaps between what is desired and expected, conflicts of interests and each employee’s personality.

Written by our regional director for Latin America & The Caribbean, Micaela Pierolivo, and Leandro Santori, our analyst for Latin America & The Caribbean.


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. XIV - Client Satisfaction

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

The fourteens article from our series “How to Improve your SPIR” highlights the importance of MFIs knowing whether their offering of financial and non-financial services is attractive and appropriate for their target clientele. In addition, it delves into the importance of having a means to obtain customer feedback and to enquire about their satisfaction.

Written by our regional director for Latin America & The Caribbean, Micaela Pierolivo, and our analyst Amparo Atala.


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. XIII - Corporate Governance: Management

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

The thirteenth article from our series “How to Improve your SPIR” addresses the role of the Management Team as part of the governing body and emphasizes management’s role in integrating social performance into strategic and operational decision-making. In addition, it analyzes the relationship with the Board of Directors to achieve good governance and ensure that the institution heads towards a social and financial balance.

Written by our regional director for Latin America & The Caribbean, Micaela Pierolivo, and our Technical Advisor in Europe, Gabriela Galletti.


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. XII - Corporate Governance. Board of Directors

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

The twelfth article from our series “How to Improve your SPIR” covers the functions of the Board of Directors and develops aspects that are considered in our SPIR Methodology to achieve an effective financial and social balance in a MFI.

Written by our regional director for Latin America & The Caribbean, Micaela Pierolivo, and our Technical Advisor in Europe, Gabriela Galletti.


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. XI - Poverty measurement tools

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

The eleventh article in our series "How to improve your SPIR" analyses and compares tools that are often used by microfinance institutions to measure and assess the poverty of its target population.

Written by our regional director for Latin America & The Caribbean, Micaela Pierolivo, and our analyst Amparo Atala.


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. X - Over-Indebtedness

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

A series on tools for improving your social performance and impact, written by our regulatory advisor and representative for Latin America, Micaela Pierolivo.

The tenth article in our series "How to improve your SPIR" addresses over-indebtedness of customers from its definition, prevention, and mitigation.


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. IX - Positive Work Environment: Occupational Health and Safety

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

A series on tools for improving your social performance and impact, written by our regulatory advisor and representative for Latin America, Micaela Pierolivo.

The ninth report of our series on how to improve your social performance and impact provides the appropriate tools to institutions to ensure a favorable work environment, preserving the employee’s health and general well-being.

How to improve your SPIR, Vol. VIII - Product Design and Distribution

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

A series on tools for improving your social performance and impact, written by our regulatory advisor and representative for Latin America, Micaela Pierolivo.

The eighth report of our series on how to improve your social performance and impact focuses on appropriate product design and distribution. It's a practical guide to create and implement written policies, collect data, train and monitor staff, among others.


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. VII - Appropriate Collection Practices

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

A series on tools for improving your social performance and impact, written by our regulatory advisor and representative for Latin America, Micaela Pierolivo.

The seventh report of our series on how to improve your social performance and impact focuses on appropriate debt collection practices for financial providers, showing how to define abusive behaviour and determining an incentive system, among other things.


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. VI - Sexual Harassment at Work

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

A series on tools for improving your social performance and impact, written by our regulatory advisor and representative for Latin America, Micaela Pierolivo.

The articles are aimed to provide overviews of policies to enhance companies’ practices in terms of social performance topics such as environmental management tools, effective design of social mission statements and tools for collecting social data, among others. This six issue focuses on sexual harassment at the workplace. 


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. V - The Environmental Dimension

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

A series on tools for improving your social performance and impact, written by our regulatory advisor and representative for Latin America, Micaela Pierolivo.

The articles are aimed to provide overviews of policies to enhance companies’ practices in terms of social performance topics such as environmental management tools, effective design of social mission statements and tools for collecting social data, among others. This fifth issue focuses on the environmental factor. 


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. IV - Good practices for complaint resolution

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

A series on tools for improving your social performance and impact, written by our regulatory advisor and representative for Latin America, Micaela Pierolivo, and our director, head of social ratings, Santiago Arnaudin.

The articles are aimed to provide overviews of policies to enhance companies’ practices in terms of social performance topics such as environmental management tools, effective design of social mission statements and tools for collecting social data, among others. This fourth issue focuses on good practices for the resolution of complaints. 


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. III - Defining an effective MFI social mission

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

A series on tools for improving your social performance and impact, written by our regulatory advisor and representative for Latin America, Micaela Pierolivo.

The articles are aimed to provide overviews of policies to enhance companies’ practices in terms of social performance topics such as environmental management tools, effective design of social mission statements and tools for collecting social data, among others. This third issue focuses on helping you define and implement your social mission. 


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. II - Measuring Satisfaction

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

A series on tools for improving your social performance and impact, written by our regulatory advisor and representative for Latin America, Micaela Pierolivo.

The articles are aimed to provide overviews of policies to enhance companies’ practices in terms of social performance topics such as environmental management tools, effective design of social mission statements and tools for collecting social data, among others. This second issue focuses on measurement of employee satisfaction. 


How to improve your SPIR, Vol. I - The Effective Integration of Gender Issues in Organizations

Tools for improving your Social Performance and Impact

A series on tools for improving your social performance and impact, written by our regulatory advisor and representative for Latin America, Micaela Pierolivo.

The articles are aimed to provide overviews of policies to enhance companies’ practices in terms of social performance topics such as environmental management tools, effective design of social mission statements and tools for collecting social data, among others. This first issue is focused on the integration of the gender dimension at organizations. 


Country Series - An Overview of the Microfinance Sector in Nicaragua, published 2020

“Microfinance in … “ is especially targeted to donors, investors and sector players. The reports aims to provide quick, concise, and valuable information of the state of the microfinance sector in a specific country.

This issue on Microfinance in Nicaragua is an update of the article we published in 2017 and analyzes the macroeconomic outlook of Nicaragua and highlights some of its key microfinance institutions.


Country Series - An Overview of the Microfinance Sector in Nicaragua, published 2017

The Inclusion [Social Ratings] Country Series Reports “Microfinance in …“ highlights some of the key microfinance institutions in each of the countries selected. “Microfinance in … “especially targeted to donors, investors and sector players, provides a compact overview of the state of the national microfinance sector, along with concise data on individual MFI portfolios. This is the first report in the series and future editions will highlight selected countries in Africa, Southeast Asia, as well as Latin America.