Our Social Performance Ratings System (SPRS) is designed to analyze how effective an organization is at translating its mission into practice. It encompasses the organization's objectives, systems, services, human resources, performance indicators and results.
The results of this analysis and evaluation is expressed through an output called a Social Performance & Impact Rating (SPIR). This rating is also meant to give the organisation in question a value-added tool for identifying and assessing the specific areas in its social performance that need improving, and where it is achieving or surpassing its social objectives.
It is also used by investors to understand the policies and practices of financial institutions that promote social values.

Published date: July 08, 2023
ASA Microfinance Bank (Pakistan) Limited – SPIR Rating
ASA Microfinance Bank (Pakistan) Limited is a for-profit Microfinance Institution that provides microfinance loans for business purpose to low-income entrepreneurs with the objective to improve financial inclusion and realize socioeconomic progress. They are indirectly wholly owned by ASA International, one of the largest microfinance companies in the word.
Location: Pakistan

Published date: July 07, 2023
ASA Microfinance Tanzania Ltd. – SPIR Rating
ASA Microfinance Tanzania Ltd. is a microfinance institution that provides microfinance loans for business purpose to low-income entrepreneurs with the objective to improve financial inclusion and realize socioeconomic progress. They are indirectly wholly owned by ASA International, one of the largest microfinance companies in the word.
Location: Tanzania
Published date: November 01, 2022
Instituto de Desarrollo Regional Cesar Vallejo – SPIR Rating
Instituto de Desarrollo Regional Cesar Vallejo (IDER CV) is a Nongovernmental Development Organization based in Trujillo, Peru. Their social mission states that, “We are a consolidated, competitive and reliable institution that provides social and economic services to help improve the living conditions of the population, with priority in rural – urban excluded and emerging areas of Peru.” Location: Peru
Published date: July 22, 2021
Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Costa Atlántica (PANA PANA) – SPIR Rating
Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Costa Atlántica (PANA PANA) is an MFI based in Nicaragua. Its social mission is “PANA PANA is an indigenous organization on the North Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua, which provides opportunities to improve the quality of life of women and men preferably poor, with an entrepreneurial spirit, with equal opportunities in urban and rural areas of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast and the rest of the national territory, through inclusive microfinance services, sustainable human development projects, with a gender focus and life improvement.”
Location: Nicaragua

Published date: May 02, 2021
Borvor Finance PLC – SPIR Rating
Borvor Finance PLC (formerly know as Cambodian Community Saving Federation or CCSF) is a rural credit operator based in Cambodia. Its mission is to provide affordable financial services to low-income families, especially women, responsive to their needs to improve their living standard.
Location: Cambodia

Published date: April 18, 2021
MicroLoan Foundation Malawi – FSR Rating
MicroLoan Foundation Malawi (MLF-M) is an MFI based in the Republic of Malawi. Their Social Mission is “to provide the poorest women in Sub-Saharan Africa with the tools to enable them to work their own way out of poverty.”

Published date: March 21, 2021
GM Bank of Luzon, Inc. – SPIR Rating
GM Bank of Luzon, Inc. is a rural bank based in Cabanatuan City, the Philippines. Its Social Mission is “to make a positive difference in people’s lives, especially in countryside communities, by providing easy access to innovative and socially relevant financial services in a commercially sustainable way.” Location: The Philippines

Published date: March 21, 2021
GM Bank of Luzon, Inc. – FSR Rating
GM Bank of Luzon, Inc. is a rural bank based in Cabanatuan City, the Philippines. Their Social Mission is “to make a positive difference in people’s lives, especially in countryside communities, by providing easy access to innovative and socially relevant financial services in a commercially sustainable way.” Location: The Philippines

Published date: February 22, 2021
MicroLoan Foundation Zambia – FSR Rating
MicroLoan Foundation Zambia (MLF-Z) is a mirofiance institution based in the Republic of Zambia. Their social mission is “to provide the poorest women in Sub-Sharan Africa with the tools to enable them to work their own way out of poverty.”

Published date: December 07, 2020
IDER CV – FSR Rating
IDER CV is a Nongovernmental Development Organization based in Trujillo, Peru. Their social mission states that, “We are a consolidated, competitive and reliable institution that provides social and economic services to help improve the living conditions of the population, with priority in rural – urban excluded and emerging areas of Peru.”

Published date: March 18, 2020
AMC – SPIR Rating
AMC de R.L. de C.V. (AMC) is a Savings and Loans Cooperative based in San Miguel, El Salvador. Their Social Mission is: “We are a financial institution that provides specialized services for the micro and small business sector, self-employed and low-income employees nationwide, under a scheme of economic profitability and social responsibility, which guarantees their permanence, solidity, satisfaction of its customers, employees and partners.”
Location: El Salvador

Published date: February 27, 2020
Palestine for Credit and Development (FATEN) was incorporated on July 1998 as a non-profit shareholder company registered by the Palestinian Ministry of Economics. In May 2014, FATEN was licensed by the Palestinian Monetary Authority (PMA) to operate as a financial services provider. Their Social Mission is “Providing financial Services that meet the needs of the economically active Palestinians with limited incomes”.
Location: Palestine

Published date: October 29, 2019
P.E.B.Co-BETHESDA, the Association for the Promotion of Community-Based Credit Savings (CBE-BETHESDA), is a Decentralized Financial System created in 1996 and registered as a Microfinance association. Before assuming its Associative form, it was initially a project of the Department Community and Environmental Sanitation (DCAM) of the NGO BETHESDA. It became a full-fledged department in 2004. Their social mission is to “Improve the living conditions of the poor by offering good quality financial and non-financial services”.
Location: Benin

Published date: October 08, 2019
P.E.B.Co-BETHESDA, the Association for the Promotion of Community-Based Credit Savings (CBE-BETHESDA), is a Decentralized Financial System created in 1996 and registered as a Microfinance association. Before assuming its Associative form, it was initially a project of the Department Community and Environmental Sanitation (DCAM) of the NGO BETHESDA. It became a full-fledged department in 2004. Their social mission is to “Improve the living conditions of the poor by offering good quality financial and non-financial services”.

Published date: July 23, 2019
Thrive Micro-Finance (Private) Ltd – SPIR Rating
Thrive Microfinance (Private) Ltd (THRIVE) is a microfinance service provider based in Harare, Zimbabwe. Their social mission is “to provide training and credit to women excluded from the mainstream financial sector in a manner that is both socially responsible and financially sustainable”. Location: Zimbabwe

Published date: May 03, 2019
COAC Santa Anita Ltda. – SPIR Rating
The Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Santa Anita Ltda (COAC Santa Anita), an entity that emerged in 2001 with the objective of supporting the development of the indigenous farming sectors of northern Ecuador. Their social mission is “We are a Popular and Solidarity Savings and Credit Cooperative that offers quality financial products and services, aimed at the rural area of the Sierra Norte region of the Country, promoting economic growth, social development and financial inclusion of our members, customers and the community”.
Location: Ecuador

Published date: April 07, 2019
Sathapana Ltd. – SPIR Rating
Sathapana Limited (SATHAPANA) is a deposit-taking microfinance institution (DMFI) based in Yangon, Myanmar. Its social mission is “To empower entrepreneurs and to generate employments in order to upgrade their living standard through access to financial services in a sustainable manner”. The name, Sathapana, means “to build or to construct” in the Cambodian language.
Location: Myanmar
Published date: January 28, 2019
Borvor Finance PLC – SPIR Rating
Borvor Finance PLC (formerly know as Cambodian Community Saving Federation or CCSF) is a rural credit operator based in Cambodia. Its mission is to provide affordable financial services to low-income families, especially women, responsive to their needs to improve their living standard.
Location: Cambodia

Published date: November 23, 2017
Thrive Micro-Finance (Private) Ltd – SPIR Rating
Thrive Microfinance is a microfinance institution in Zimbabwe providing productive business loans to low-income women, utilizing a group lending methodology. Its mission is to provide training and credit to women excluded from the mainstream financial sector in a manner that is both socially responsible and financially sustainable.
Thrive’s ambition is to exert a positive influence on other MFIs operating in Zimbabwe and become the country’s leading developmental microfinance provider.
Location: Zimbabwe

Published date: October 12, 2017
Cambodian Community Savings Federation (CCSF) – SPIR Rating
Cambodian Credit Savings Federation (CCSF) was the first pioneer of the credit union model in Cambodia. CCSF began as the Small Economic Activity Development project with CARE Cambodia, funded by AusAID through CARE Australia in 1998. Its original mission was to promote savings and thrift habits based on the nine operating principles of credit unions. Originally established to empower low-income families in Cambodia by building a network of Community Based Microfinance Organisations (CBMIFOs). It worked in partnership with 25 CBMIFOs to support more than 50,000 members and their families across Battambang and Banteay Meanchey provinces. It is currently undergoing a restructuring, having absorbed most of its CBMIFO partners and turning itself into a single level MFI providing financial services directly to its low-income members.
Location: Cambodia

Published date: May 09, 2017
Enterprise Support & Community Development Trust (ENCOT) – SPA Rating
ENCOT is an indigenous rural community development micro-credit and rural-enterprise development NGO founded in 2006 by a group of indigenous community development practitioners in Masindi (Uganda). The Organization was developed as a response to the challenges of poverty and suffering faced by the rural communities in Masindi, most especially the farmers.
Location: Uganda

Published date: May 08, 2017
SIA N’SON Microfinance – SPA Rating
SIA N’SON Microfinance was created in 2005 and received the unique accreditation to practice Microfinance in Benin in 2012. Indeed, its creation follows the split of the NGO SIA N’SON (which existed since 1995) in two distinct entities: SIA N’SON Microfinance and SIA N’SON Community Development.
Location: Benin

Published date: May 07, 2017
Mutuelle d’Épargne et de Crédit (MEC) « le Sine » – SPA Rating
Created in July 2000 by 199 members from the women’s groupings of the department of Fatick, MEC “Le Sine” first operated as a savings and credit group, before operating as an MFI since 2005. Its objective is to offer financial and non-financial products and services to Fatick, in particular women and young people.
Location: Senegal

Published date: May 06, 2017
Juhudi Kilimo – SPA Rating
Juhudi is a private company that was established to provide microfinance services and asset-backed financing to smallholder farmers and enterprises in rural Kenya. It was a subsidiary of K-Rep Group, a diversified group of companies that have provided banking and other financial services, consulting and technical services, and research and product development in the Kenyan microfinance sector since 1984. In 2009 Juhudi took over the asset-financing portfolio of K-Rep Development Agency, a K-Rep Group-sponsored non-governmental organization (NGO), to support the growth of the portfolio on an independent basis.
Location: Kenya

Published date: May 05, 2017
Caisse Baitoul Maal (CBM) – SPA Rating
Under the impulse of a group of Muslim intellectuals, the Caisse Baitoul Maal (which means “common fund”) was born in 1997 and began operations in the same year. Two years later, it was approved under to operate as an MFI. Its objective is to make available to the Burkinabe population financial and non-financial products.
Location: Burkina Faso

Published date: May 03, 2017
COMUBA (La Coopérative des Membres Unis Bethel Actions ) was established in 2004 and began its formal operations as an MFI in 2008. The founding members considered it necessary to direct the initiative towards microfinance in favor of women’s groups. With Headquarters in Cotonou, it operates mainly in the central and southern areas of Benin.
Location: Benin

Published date: May 03, 2017
CAURIE-MF has been operating as an MFI since 2009. The institution operates mainly through the Village Banks, supporting women’s participation in the development of their activities.
Location: Senegal

Published date: May 01, 2017
The Association for the Promotion of Community-Based Credit Savings (CBE-BETHESDA) is a Decentralized Financial System created in 1996 and registered as a Microfinance association. Before assuming its Associative form, it was initially a project of the Department Community and Environmental Sanitation (DCAM) of the NGO BETHESDA. It became a full-fledged department in 2004.
Location: Benin

Published date: April 28, 2017
ALIDé – SPA Rating
The Association for the Struggle for the Promotion of Development Initiatives (ALIDé) is a Decentralized Financial System (SFD) created in 2006 in Benin. It has been operating as a microfinance institution since 2012. The association offers savings products and various funds to individual micro-entrepreneurs and groups of customers through a network of 11 agencies. It has its headquarters in Cotonou.
Location: Benin

Published date: April 25, 2017
URC-Nazinon – SPA Rating
The Regional Union of Cooperative Savings and Credit Nazinon (URC-Nazinon) was established in 1984. In 1997, the URC-Nazinon became an independent mutual entity and in 2004 was officially restructured to expand its activities outside the Zoundwego province (chief city of the South Central Region) and surrounding areas.
Location: Burkina Faso
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