Inclusion [SR]'s privacy, copyright and disclaimer statements are written to protect your rights and provide context to the information on this website.

Privacy statement

Inclusion [SR] takes all reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the privacy of your information as required by the principles of various information and privacy acts around the world.

Collecting your personal information

When collecting your personal information, we commit to:

  • telling you the purpose for which it is collected
  • not asking for or collecting any sensitive information about you unless it is assist the business relationship
  • not disclosing your data to anyone, unless compelled to by law

Security of your personal information

When handling your personal information, we will:

  • take reasonable steps to ensure that all information we collect, use or disclose is securely stored
  • use reputable website service providers and to strive to protect your personal information from misuse, loss and unauthorised access

Accessing, correcting or updating your information

You can access the personal information that you give us in accordance with our obligations under basic principles of access to information laws.

We will also take all reasonable steps to correct and update your personal information or remove it if it is no longer needed.

If you believe we am not fulfilling my commitments to you or believe we have breached your privacy and confidentiality, in the first instance, please contact us directly.

Afterwards, if you are not satisfied with our response, you should make a complaint to our national privacy or information commissioner.

Information on the website

We need to uses cookies on this website to create a better user experience. With cookies blocked you will not get the best experience.