Our SPIR Methodology

Inclusion's Social Performance Rating System (SPRS) assesses an organization's social performance and impact not only by looking at its past results, but also by reviewing the quality of its operational and financial structure and the processes it employs to assess the likelihood of that performance and social impact being sustained into the future.

The SPRS is based on a scorecard, which captures data and other relevant information provided by the organistaion in question to Inclusion analysts. It also incorporates client interviews conducted onsite in the field and interviews with branch staff to assess levels of social impact resulting from the organization's activities. The scorecard utilizes proprietary algorithms weighted by an analytical hierarchy process that takes into account objective and subjective multi-criteria to arrive at an implied Social Performance & Impact Rating (SPIR).

The social performance factors and indicators, or measures, that are incorporated into the scorecard include common sector social performance and client-protection principles and indicators found in other assessment tools such as the SPI4, the Smart Campaign and the Social Performance Task Force's Universal Standards for Social Performance Standards Management.

It is our belief that an organization that performs better and receives a higher SPIR will have a higher likelihood of positively affecting the lives of its clients in the future and be less likely to cause harm.

The factors we measure:

1 - Social Mission
2 - Governance
3 - Beneficiary Focus
4 - Social Outcome or Impact
5 - Organization
6 - Environmental Concerns
7 - Financial Sustainability

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How we score our SPIR

SPIR1: Excellent (Score 78-100)

A SPIR1 rating indicates that an MFI’s/Social Businesses (SB) infrastructure and processes are consistent with a very high likelihood of operating in the best interests of its clients, that this is among its highest priorities and that the risk of causing adverse effect to its clients and other stakeholders is very low. An SPIR1 grade is consistent with an MFI/SB that:

- has a highly coordinated and strategic operation in order to accomplish its social mission;
- adheres to best practice across all of the key SPIR factors and most of the sub-factors;
- demonstrates it has well-established and reliable information systems, internal controls and procedures relating to the information provided for the SPIR
- maintains the highest standards in terms of client or beneficiary protection practices.

SPIR2: Good (Score 65-77)

A SPIR2 grade indicates that an MFI’s/SB's infrastructure and processes are consistent with a high likelihood of operating in the best interests of its clients, that this is among its highest priorities and that the risk of causing adverse effect to its clients and other stakeholders is low. An SPIR2 rating is consistent with an organization that:

-coordinates strategic operations to accomplish its social mission;
- adheres to best practice on almost all of the key SPIR factors;
- demonstrates that it has reliable information systems, internal controls and procedures relating to the information provided for the SPIR;
- maintains good standards in terms of beneficiary protection practices.

SPIR3: Adequate (Score 50-64)

A SPIR3 grade indicates that an organization’s infrastructure and processes are consistent with a good likelihood of operating in the best interests of its clients and beneficiaries, that this is among its high priorities and that it attempts to manage the risk of causing adverse effect to its beneficiaries and other stakeholders. An SPIR3 rating is consistent with an MFI/SB that:

-adheres to good practice on most of the key SPIR factors;
- demonstrates that it has adequate information systems, internal controls and procedures relating to the information provided for the SPIR;
- maintains reasonable standards in terms of client protection practices.

SPIR4: Weak (Score 30-49)

A SPIR4 rating indicates that an MFI’s/SB's infrastructure and processes show some adherence to operating in the best interests of its clients, and that this is among its priorities. An SPIR4 rating is consistent with an MFI/SB that:

-adheres to good practice on some of the key SPIR factors;
- has weak information systems, internal controls and procedures relating to the information provided for the SPIR;
- maintains some standards in terms of client protection practices.

SPIR5: Poor (Score 0-29)

A SPIR5 rating indicates that an MFI’s/SB's infrastructure and processes do not show evidence of being in the best interests of its clients or beneficiaries, and that this may not be among its priorities. An SPIR5 rating is consistent with an MFI/SB that:

-has no or inadequate information systems, internal controls and procedures relating to the information provided for the SPIR;
- maintains no standards in terms of client protection.