Social Investment Landscape in Asia. Insights from North and South Asia by AVPN.

If interested in Social Investment in Asia, Inclusion [Social Ratings] recommends reading the recently published report by the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network “Social Investment Landscape in Asia”. The report provides a holistic view of the current and emerging philanthropy and social investment landscape in Asia, and features in-depth profiles of the following fourteen economies:

  • North and South Asia: China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.
  • Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, and Vietnam.

The report is an invaluable resource for funders and resource providers as they assess the opportunities and challenges for philanthropy and social investment in the region. It is designed to be a guide for both new social investors looking to enter the Asian market and existing social investors exploring cross-border or cross-sector opportunities within the region.

You can access the report here: