Good news for MFIs in the Central America and Caribbean Region. The SPTF and the Red Centroamericana y del Caribe de Microfinanzas (REDCAMIF) have announced an alliance for the implementation of the Responsible Inclusive Finance Facility for Central America and the Caribbean (RIFF-CAC or FFRI-CAC in Spanish).
This Initiative has the objective to strengthen capacity and practices of providers in the region by offering support for the following activities:
- Capacity & Technical Training in areas of responsible inclusive finance (RIF), for SPM staff in networks and institutions, consultants, and technical assistance (e.g., introductory training to RIF, Smart assessor training, SPI4 auditor training, and trainings in other areas of social performance management).
- Co-financing of projects delivered by inclusive financial service providers (IFSPs), such as Social Ratings, SPI4 plus (with TA), Smart Assessments, upgrade projects, specialized trainings in areas of SPM and Smart certification.
- Development of resources tools, methodologies & other resources, based on local demand.
The following countries are considered priority countries: Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Haiti. Additionally, RIFF-CAC will operate in Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. Operations in other countries will be assessed on a one-by-one basis.
Completed applications will be reviewed by the Steering Committee of the RIFF-CAC on a quarterly basis.
If you are interested in knowing more about this opportunity and would like further information on how we can accompany you on your social rating and audit journey, please contact Ana de Miguel at