Inclusion [Africa] introduces a Financial Responsibility Standard for banks in the DR Congo

In 2016, in partnership with DMD Sarl, Inclusion [Africa] carried out the audit of the Responsible Finance of two commercial banks in the DR Congo, namely RawBank SA ( and Bank Of Africa SA (

Sponsored by the Promotion Fund for Financial Inclusion (FPM), the mission consisted initially of the development of a methodology for the audit of the responsible finance of commercial banks, in a second step the evaluation of the banks and thirdly, technical assistance in setting up a system for managing environmental risks, managing claims, and setting up a mechanism of whistle blower.

The FPM is an institution created in 2010 under the leadership of UNDP, UNCDF, KFW, World Bank, German Cooperation and Swedish Cooperation. Its mission is to promote financial inclusion in DR Congo by providing technical and financial support to financial institutions that target micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and low-income working populations.